Monday, June 14, 2010

New Uses for Plastic Bottles

I love the idea of using a smaller bottle for a funnel.

Twisting Wire

Martha Stewart- Unknown date
I've always loved the look of wire used in crafts. This alphabet is especially cool.

Marbelized Paper

Martha Stewart- Unknown date
I never realized there were so many things you could make using the marbleizing technique.

Pretty Envelopes and Linen Sachets

Martha Stewart Magazine- unknown date
This method uses a t-pin to punch pretty designs in envelopes. Fill with lovely scents to make sachets.

Father's Day Shirt Card

Martha Stewart- June 2004
Very cute hand-made card for Dad.

July 4th Candles and Garlands

Martha Stewart Magazine- July 2003

I pretty much love all Independence day decor and Martha always has something great to share.

Snow Fun

Parents Magazine- February 2005
Having grown up in central CA, I never saw falling snow until I went to college. This article has been very useful for our new found life in Ohio- where it snows all winter long.